Sunday, February 08, 2009

35 years

On the 8th of February, 35 years ago, the Gaul sank in the Barents Sea, during a severe storm. None of its 36 crew survived.

A few small notes in the 13 February 1974 edition of Lloyd’s List, reproduced below, gave the first details about the search for the missing trawler.

Over the following days, Lloyd’s List published several brief reports on the progress of the search operations:

The unsuccessful search for the Gaul was closed at 15.00 hours GMT on the 15th of February 1974.

On the 19th of February the Department of Trade and Industry ordered an official inquiry into the loss of the Gaul.

The last Nimrod search operation ordered by the Prime Minister on the 20th February 1974 ended two days later without success.

The wreck of the Gaul was only discovered twenty-three years later, in 1997.

In 2004, the Re-opened Formal Investigation into the loss of the vessel concluded that the 36 fishermen of the Gaul had died at their own hands.

Today, 35 years after the tragedy, the truth about what caused the loss of the Gaul still remains unacknowledged, walled inside a 21st century edifice of political spin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could have perhaps had the courtesy to say who discovered The Gaul and how.
Your campaign is admirable, but why have you ostracised the very people you sought to involve from a few years ago? The ones who have done the real groundwork for over 30 years.
You are not doing yourselves, or the Gaul families any favours.

Graham Smith