Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Gaul - 2007

Many thanks to all those who have followed us through 2006 to 2007, and a Happy New Year!

After a short break we are now back on track:

>>> For a short refresher on the Gaul case, please follow this LINK or return HERE.

>>> A more comprehensive and explicit version of our initial posting (“Critical comments on the findings of the Re-Opened Formal Investigation into the loss of the trawler Gaul”) can be viewed HERE

Now, having diagrammatically represented the various possible reasons as to why the outer non-return flaps in the duff and offal chutes on the Gaul were found in the open position during the 2002 underwater survey (click HERE to view the diagram), we can show that there are other alternatives to the explanation laid down by justice David Steel during the 2004 RFI.
The tree diagram at the above link also shows that the explanation for the loss of the Gaul, chosen by the investigation panel, was, on the basis of evidence, not the most plausible one either.

What hindered the exploratory abilities of the investigators? - We wonder...


Anonymous said...

aha! I understand now - the usual gloss, this time carelessly applied

As most people neither knew nor cared about any of this, we've been fed all sorts of nonsense based on theories that men teach you in pubs.

er, the lack of standards.. every day we are sinking lower and lower.

Anonymous said...

I've tried to sign the petition, but it was impossible to get through.

gadfly said...


The e-petitions site appears to have had a technical problem and had to stop showing signatories lists - seemingly because it was overloaded. We understand that this problem has now been fixed. So, you should now be able to exercise your democratic rights. Thanks for trying.